Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE) - open-source scanner API for Unix, Windows, OS/2.

Image Capture - alternative scanner software bundled free with Mac OS X.In September 2011, VueScan co-developer Ed Hamrick said that he was selling US$3 million per year of VueScan licenses. Vuescan supports more scanners, with a single purchase giving access to the full range of both film and flatbed scanners, and costs less. When compared to SilverFast, a similar program, the reviewer considered the two programs to be comparable, with support for some specific scanners better in one or the other. The review did not report any advantages to Vuescan's processing of documents compared to other software. A 2014 review considered that the reasons to purchase VueScan are to allow older scanners not supported by drivers for newer operating systems to be used in more up-to-date systems, and for better scanning and processing of photographs (prints also slides and negatives when supported by scanners) than is afforded by manufacturers' software. These scanners are supplied with device drivers and software to operate them, included in their price. VueScan is intended to work with a large number of image scanners (over 6000 in January 2020), excluding specialised professional scanners such as drum scanners, on many computer operating systems (OS), even if drivers for the scanner are not available for the OS.